Skin Care Routine For Men And Women-Key Differences

When you walk into a beauty store, you see “Women skin care” products almost everywhere, but when it comes to men’s skin care, most of the products aren’t marketed as prominently as women’s. So, what makes skin care for women and men so distinctly different from each other?

Ideally, basic skin care habits and routines for men and women are basically the same, both genders need to cleanse, moisturise, protect their skin from sun damage and keep the skin hydrated. The difference comes mainly because the way the skin ages for men and women are distinctly different.

According to a well known dermatologist, men's skin is 25% thicker due to higher collagen content and the oil glands are more active, which leads to more innate moisturization. The ageing process of the skin in men is more gradual than women, women’s skin health is constantly affected by hormonal changes as well. 

men skin

What Makes Men And Women Skin So Different?

The answer is hormonal differences, specifically higher levels of testosterone in men, can cause differences in the skin between men and women. 

Testosterone affects the thickness of the skin and the amount of oil produced by the sebaceous glands. As a result, men's skin is often thicker and oilier than women's skin, making them more prone to acne and blackheads. 

The growth of facial hair in men may also contribute to the development of acne, as it can trap oil against the skin.

Although men's and women's skin may differ in terms of thickness and oil production, the general concerns and issues that they experience with their skin are often similar. 

Therefore, it is not necessarily the case that men cannot use "regular" skincare products and that special products are required for their skin concerns. In most cases, the same skincare products and approaches can be used to address the concerns of both men and women."

female skin

Key Similarity

“The key similarity between men and women skin care is the use of SPF to protect your skin from sun damage”

Key Biological Differences Between Men & Women

According to a 2018 scientific literature review published in the International Journal of Women's Dermatology, men and women's skin may differ in the following ways:

  • Men tend to have higher levels of sebum or oil production than women, which may be related to hormonal differences.

  • Men's pores tend to be larger compared to women's

  • Some studies have found that men have thicker skin than women, which may be due to a higher amount of collagen

  • Men may have darker skin than women due to higher levels of melanin. Women tend to have lighter skin

man and women skin

Should Men and Women Have A Different Skin Care Routine?

Ideally, many dermatologists have stated that skin care habits and routines should remain the same!

Every skin type regardless of the gender needs certain nutrients depending on the requirement, if you are looking to plug these gaps then there is absolutely no requirement for gender-specific skincare products.

The key to skin care for men should ideally have nothing to do with gender, and more to do with “Skin type”, understanding your skin type has more impact than the gender based products you use for your skin.

A basic skincare routine for both men and women should include a facial cleanser, moisturiser, and sunscreen. Men may also need to include steps for facial grooming or shaving as part of their routine.

Skin care men

Skin Care Tips For Men

When it comes to skin care for men, most of the men keep it simple. However, the best way to take good care of your skin is by understanding what type of skin you have (Normal, oily, dry, sensitive or combination).

Knowing how your skin functions is the first step in ensuring you are doing the right thing for your skin. Here are few things you must do for your skin health as a man:

Wash your face regularly and exercise: Washing your face ensure that no dirt stays on your face and clogs your skin pores. Exercising helps in increasing the blood flow in your body which directly results in younger looking skin.

Shaving technique: Ensure your shaving technique starts by washing your face and softening it. Improper shaving techniques can lead to skin trauma. Ensure you use the right shaving cream and aftershave to keep your skin fresh and hydrated.

Moisturise daily: After your shower, apply a good natural, chemical free moisturiser to trap the water in your skin. Moisturising helps in keeping your skin healthy and vibrant.

Apply Sunscreen everyday: Regardless of skin type, our skin is prone to sun damage. Sun damage can lead to serious health complications and pigmentation issues, ensure you use the right sunscreen to protect your skin from the harmful UV rays.

So, there is never a “one size fits all” solution to skin care for men and women, you have to understand your skin and then feed your skin the essential nutrients it needs to thrive.

Men’s skin care and women’s skin care are more or less the same, the focus should be on ensuring you know what suits your skin. If you are not sure of what type your skin really is, then visit a dermatologist near you before you begin a skin care routine at home.


Skincare Tips: How Do You Know Your Skin Type?


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